Saturday, 17 November 2012

Introduction to SketchUp - 3D Modeling

Follow the tutorials 1,2 and 3 in class and create a 3D dog house using SketchUp!

SketchUp Basics Tutorials

Once you have completed a dog house using your own color scheme, post your 3D creation on your blog site.

Wednesday, 31 October 2012

HALLOWEEN....what does it MEEN?


What are the origins of Halloween?

How did it all get started and how has it evolved into what we know as modern day Halloween?

Dig up some history on Halloween.
"Myth Bust" it and give me the real story on how it all got started.

Post your scary digital manipulated photos, drawings, and other art work with with your enlightening story.

Monday, 22 October 2012


In this assignment, you will be responsible for altering 5 different photographs in 5 different ways to achieve effects that were not otherwise there.

We will be going over several possible examples in class. Work with levels, curves, filters, clone stamp, or other tools to give your photo an unusual look.

Include with each manipulation all the steps that done to achieve your effect!

Use your own photos for this project.


Wednesday, 3 October 2012

Canadian Thanksgiving

Monday, 1 October 2012

ACSS Terry Fox Run Poster

Using the photos you have taken from the Terry Fox Run, make a creative and expressive poster highlighting the event.

1.       Make your new Photoshop document 11x17 inches with resolution 150 dpi. Decide whether it will be a Vertical or Horizontal.

2.       Bring in your photos and make a creative photo display.

3.       Include the following in your poster.

A Title: ACSS Terry Fox Run using the Text Tool (Use a Large Bold Font with our School Colours)       Check out some of the creative styles formats in the Text Tool.

The Date of the Run: September 28, 2012 (Slightly smaller font in a different colour)

Your Name: In a smaller font as a signature on the Poster

4.       When you are absolutely sure it is finished, Flatten your image and save as a JPG file.

5.       Finally, post your Terry Fox Run Poster on your Blog.

Thursday, 27 September 2012

Terry Fox Run at ACSS



Friday September 28 is the Terry Fox Run at our school.

Your task is to photograph and report on the run as it is happening around the school.

Visualize the photos you want to take and where.

Upload your photos to your computer or e-mail them to yourself and:

1. Edit your photographs (select the better ones), then with photoshop, do the necessary cropping, correcting of exposures and resizing.

2. Of these, choose your best top 5 photos and submit them to the yearbook.
Go to Hand-in, then "Yearbook Infotech9", make your own folder, call it Terry Fox and your name, ex "Terry Fox Run by Don Smith".

3. Choosing 3 photos of the run, post them on your blog with a description of how the Terry Fox run went. Blog on the event and indicate the participants in the photos and a general feeling of how the day went.

Wednesday, 26 September 2012

Terry Fox


Terry Fox Foundation

Find, research and then post an informative blog describing in your own words who Terry Fox was and what the Terry Fox Foundation is about.
Include some photographs and at least one link to something about Terry Fox and the Terry Fox Foundation.

Sunday, 23 September 2012

Assignment 5: Using the Pen Tool in Photoshop

Using the Pen Tool is a great way to make custom shapes such as cirlces, squares, stars, water droplets, or just about any shape you can thing of.

1. Go to and complete the tutorial.

  • Using photoshop create the shapes in the tutorial and save them in your student folder.

2. Then create the following shapes, save and post them on your Blog

  • Blue Square
  • Red Rounded Rectangle
  • Purple Triangle with Yellow Poka Dots
  • Lime Green Blob
  • Your own creative shape!

Monday, 17 September 2012

Assignment 4: Webpages

Use Dreamweaver to create webpages which will be hosted on Dropbox and linked to from blogspot.

Test This Link

Friday, 14 September 2012

Assignment 3: Tattoo

Download 4 colourful tattoos.  They must be pictures of a person's tattoo.
Remove the skin and all but the outline of the tattoo. Change the mode to greyscale.
Insert a new black layer.  Bevel and emboss the tattoo.  You may need to brush in features or erase other erroneous items.  Save the psd file and jpg file to hand-in - post the jpg.

Begin with a dragon.

Assignment 2: Name

Post your name.
Convert the Photoshop file to JPG then upload it.

Thursday, 6 September 2012

Assignment 1: Introduction to INFOTECH 9


  1. Create your own Infotech 9 Blog on
  2. Blogger will take you through the steps you need to follow.
    Decide which template you wish to use along with your choice of colors and fonts and complete your profile.
  3. For your first posting, write a paragraph explaining in your own terms, what Information Technology means to you.
  4. Provide examples of Information Technology with photographs that reinforce your examples. Be creative in your presentation.
After creating your digital blog, provide Mr. Bilesky or Mr. Omorean with your URL.